Certified to Install the Best Clay Tile Roofing Systems
We offer clay tile roofing from Boral, MCA, and Claymex.
These manufacturers offer a wide variety of styles of tile that can give your roof a certain elegance matching styles used all over the world; you can even get a clay tiled roof that looks similar to those made in Ancient China! They offer a variety of colors of clay tile roofing, so you can find the one that best compliments your home’s color.
You can also add a roof underlayment to put between the roof and the tiles to give your roof a secondary barrier to keep water from getting into your home. We also offer a water and ice shield that helps redirect the flow of water and melting ice to your gutters; this is good for keeping water away from skylights, chimneys, vents, eaves, rakes, and valleys.
Request for a Quote for a Residential Tile Roof in McAllen, TX Now
McAllen Valley Roofing Co. offers dependable, quality, and professional workmanship at an affordable price. With over 34,000 roofing jobs completed almost exclusively in the Rio Grande Valley, we offer some of the best workmanship warranties to give you full peace of mind.
To get started, call our team today. Request a free, no-obligation quote for residential roofing shingles installed professionally.