Have you noticed problems with your roof, such as a minor leak, missing shingles, or torn flashing?
Not sure whether your roof needs a minor repair or a complete replacement?
Knowing when you should have your roof replaced and when to simply have it repaired could be the difference in thousands of dollars.
Here are a few things to consider when deciding if you should go for a roof replacement or roof repair:
How long have you had your roof?
The average roof will last about 15 years (the length may vary depending on maintenance and weather) before a replacement is necessary. If you have had your roof a lot longer than that and you are noticing leaks, torn flashing, and other problem areas, it may be time that you have the roof repaired.
Is the area in need of repairs extremely large?
If you have roofing tiles or shingles that have started to fall off in a large area, it may be best to have your roof replaced entirely. The leading cause of roof deterioration is the prolonged exposure to damaging winds, rain, hail, and snow. One of the earliest signs that a roof needs to be replaced is when large areas of shingles and roofing tiles start to fall off. If the area is too large for a simple patch, a replacement may be necessary.
Have you noticed damage where the wall meets the roof?
If you have seen paint damage, moisture buildup, or leaking on the walls where they form a joint with the roof, it may mean you need a replacement. Seeping water means that the roof is not sitting properly on your home and should be looked at by a professional.
Still not sure? Consult a professional.
The best way to determine whether or not you need a roof replacement is to let a professional take a look at it.
If you live in the Rio Grande Valley and need an expert opinion, get in touch with McAllen Valley Roofing Co. With more than 30 years of combined experience, the team at McAllen Valley Roofing Co. knows all the signs of a roof that needs repaired or completely replaced. Give us a call at (956) 279-8292 today. The sooner you call, the sooner you can get your roof fixed.